The overall aim of this project is to clarify the mechanisms and identify nature´s own specific control points of regulation in these adverse reactions in order to be able to significantly improve the quality of hemodialysis devices and kidney grafts by applying these concepts of regulation in hemodialysis and kidney transplantation.
We envisage that conveying a novel soluble complement inhibitor to the clinical stage via phase 1/2a clinical studies, creation of nano-profiled surfaces with low activating properties and generation of easy-to-apply one step-coatings for treatment of biomaterials (hemodialysis) and endothelial cell surfaces (kidney grafts) will revolutionize the treatment modalities of ESRD. The feasible hemodialysis treatment periods are anticipated to be extended, combined with an improved quality of life and in kidney transplantation attenuation of innate immune reactions will prolong the life expectancy of the graft and make kidneys more accessible for transplantation. All the novel techniques can be applied to other types of implantations, extracorporeal treatments and transplantation and in the future be used in xenotransplantation and stem cell therapies.